I’m moving again!

Just to let you all know: I’m moving my work, and my new updates, to davidellisdickerson.net. Please go there and sign up for updates, my mailing list, and all the other things you’d normally do.

Why the change? For professional reasons, I had to purchase a full WordPress site in order to get a site where all the widgets work (especially MailChimp), and in order to do that, I had to get a .net site. (My old .com is still being camped on by a spammer, damn it all.)

Sorry for the inconvenience! This is the cost of going pro. Sigh.Screen Shot 2013-11-06 at 6.35.22 PM

(P.S. While you’re there, look up Greeting Card Emergency #72: Bad Weather. It never appeared on the old site for some reason, but it’s there on the new one. You’re welcome!)

An April Fool’s Day Offer of Unusual Ridiculousness

Screen shot 2013-04-01 at 11.12.14 AMFor those of you unfamiliar with it, National Novel Writing Month is an occasion where, for all of November, various people commit to writing a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. Back in 2011, just to be on the safe side, I “wrote” a novel titled “The Zombie Who Cried ‘Brains’ Fifty Thousand Times.” The title is self explanatory. Thanks to cut and paste, I finished in three minutes.

Today, for April Fools Day, I hereby offer a FREE COPY of the PDF of that novel, “published” under my pseudonym of Dixon Chance. Just send me an email until midnight tonight (greetingcardemergency@gmail.com), and I will email it to you. You don’t need to thank me. In fact, I think thanking me might violate several local arts ordinances in your area. I’m just happy to have done something special for April Fools this year. Thank YOU.

Greeting Card Emergency: Called on Account of Lycanthropy

Just a quick announcement to say that the Greeting Card Emergency I’d planned for today will be delayed for a rather silly reason. I traveled all day from Tucson to LA yesterday, and when I woke up this morning, I discovered that I had not shaved, and my razor needs to be plugged in. Like all the Dickerson men, I can go from “human” to “werewolf” in one distracted 24-hour period.  In short, I look unkempt, and you deserve better. And I can’t fix that until tomorrow at the earliest. Just thought you should know.

UPDATE: And now I’m sick. Frustrated face. We’ll try this again next Monday. Sorry, all!